Headache Relief is a 1 oz formula that has herbs that will bring relief when a headache or migrane occurs. You can take thos formula orally or topically. Headache Relief contains Feverfew, White Willow Bark, & Wild Lettuce Leaf which are hebs for pain. Unlike OTC drugs you can apply "Headache Relief" for pain as needed. To address headaches, one must determine the root cause. This formula can be take as needed. Get yours today.
Do not take if pregnant or breastfeeding.
This statement has not been FDA evaluated. This statement is not intented to treat, cure, or orevent any disease.
Please be aware the products sold on this site may contain ingredients that may cause allergies. All customers are responsible for knowing which ingredients may cause allergies.
Headache Relief
Black Cohosh Root, Burdock Root,Dandelion Root,Feverfew, Gingko Bilboa, Gotu Kola, Olive Leaf, Pau d'Arco,Marshmallow Root, Red Raspberry Leaf, Sarsaparilla Root, White Willow Bark, Wild Lettuce Leaf
Vegetable Glycerin, Distilled Water, & Apple Cider VInegar. No additives or perservatives